National Review App Recensioni

Signs Off Immediately

I’ve tried everything I know but this frustrating app simply won’t stay signed on.

Excellent political commentary

Arguably the best source for conservative opinion, commentary, and analysis of the news of the day. NR also reports on current events that the mainstream media ignores.


I’m a premium member and bombarded by ads. Won’t be renewing when the time comes.

Always on Point

A great source of timely wide-ranging conservative commentary and news from a conservative perspective. National Review covers a lot of news that is ignored by the MSM and was vindicated with its coverage of the Russiagate, Mueller investigation, and Covid stories when the MSM was flat out wrong. Well worth a subscription.


Excellent analysis very well reasoned and well written.

News presentation

You all give the best fair and honest opinions and news

Bio info needed for authors of articles

Great app, but I noticed the articles in the app lack the short bio statement for the authors which is always found at the end of the article in the magazine and web version. You should add that to the app versions of the articles.


Get in depth stories on a variety of topics. Timely information from writers with expertise and well informed opinions

Good overall, bad UX for search and links

When you search or click a link from one article to another, it pops up with an embedded browser, which you have to sign into separately. The app is a clunkier experience than the browser, and if you opt out of alerts there is no compelling reason to use the app over the web browser.

Pop ups

The app is very distracting with pop ups constantly interrupting every single article. This is after I’ve paid for the subscription. I expect ad free reading

Best News and Commentary in America

NR is the best news and political commentary site in America. They are grounded in the conservative tradition, but allow a breadth of perspectives within it. They allow writers to support or attack Trump as the situation determines. They are one of the few remaining institutions with both integrity and a willingness to allow for good faith disagreements and honest debate. Almost certainly, they will publish view points you dont like… that is the point. At times you might be frustrated that it’s not a mere echo chamber. And if you’re a committed political progressive you might hate everything. But… if you want thoughtful and honest conservative political engagement, this is the place for you. Well done NR!

Cannot sign into website

Suddenly, the NR website will not let you sign into your account.

So far right

I was looking for something without an agenda. Bye bye.

Premioer conservative journal both under Buckley and Lowery

As a new immigrant to America in 1967, I started reading NR two years into learning the English language. A relative had introduced me to the magazine and the NYS Conservative Party. Still registered conservative, still reading NR on line…. The hard copy back then was a treasure to hold. It was the Premiere conservative journal both under Buckley and Lowery ! It still Is …. Michael G Mihalos Gsrden City , NY

One annoyance

One annoyance I have encountered is that when opening an NR Plus article from a notification, the article opens within an in-app browser rather than through the app itself. I am then required to either log into my account to view the article—even though I am already logged in through the app—or close the browser and relocate the article within the app.

Great content, horrible online and app

This has to be the worst journalism app I have. Hard to find content, when notifications come up and I click on it, then have to leave for any reason, the article I was reading is gone, and often very hard to find. Can’t save every article either. For years the WSJ had similar issues but they got fixed over time. NR seems to get worse. Really need to fix for the digital age!

Content is great, app is eh

This is purely and app review, not the content. The app doesn’t support dark mode, articles still show with bright white background even at night with dark mode enabled. This makes reading in the app at night with the lights off quite uncomfortable. Also, the app title bar constantly pops in and out in a way that feels “jenky” for lack of a better term. The title bar doesn’t flow nicely when scrolling. Lastly, I was disappointed that despite paying for a subscription, I still have to endure an add banner at the bottom of each article. All that said, content is great so keep up the good work to the writers. However, to the app developers, do better.

Great Commentary

App makes it easy to read one of my favorite political news sources.

A valuable resource in today’s media chaos!

Even if I don’t always agree with the content, NR is unfailingly thought provoking! Just waiting for Maddie Kearns to have her own podcast!

Difficult start, now working well

I received an NRPlus subscription (purchased on their website) as a gift, but couldn’t login to the website or this app. I sent emails that went unanswered. I made a phone call that got me an emailed password that didn’t work. I called again and finally got someone who could reset my account and give me access. On a positive note, they extended my subscription by a month to account for the month I was locked out. The app is simple and works well 99% of the time. On a few occasions I’ve switched between topic tabs and had the app refuse to load headlines, but closing the app and relaunching it has fixed that. Otherwise it just works. There’s one major annoyance that I wish NR’s developer would fix: if you want offline acces to stories (eg. if you’ll be flying and won’t have Wi-Fi) you have to load each story one by one, then the app will store the text. They really should add a button to download the text and images for all new content — and yes, probably also the ads that litter every story — so I can update the app in a few seconds instead of the several minutes that it takes now. Speaking of the content, National Review’s is top notch. If you want to read news reported as facts without a leftist bias, and you want to read opinion from a classical conservative perspective, then NR is the place to go. An NR subscription isn’t cheap, but it’s well worth the price.

National Review

Great writers, great ideas, bastion of common sense and protecting America from slipping into the abyss. See Charles W Cooke’s piece “Just Say No” January 9, 2024 as a perfect example.

Articles hard to find on the app

I'd like to be able to easily find recommended articles from The Editors podcast on the NR app, and I'd like to be able to save articles on the app, and to have the app not reset if i set down an article I'm reading and later come back to it. But I can't do any of those things despite being a paying subscriber. The app is clunky and sorely lacking in features.


Great stuff

I should not have

To be sidetracked by ads in a publication I pay for.

National Review

I’ve been reading and enjoying National Review for several years. It is beautifully written, incisive, rational and principled. I also enjoy the Editors Podcast and Charles C.W. Cooke podcast. They are doing a particularly good job on the issues related to Israel, Hamas, Ukraine and Taiwan.

Excellent except for…

Great except for the new commenting section, which is godawful. The old system was fine.

My only source of balanced news and opinion

Great site and app! Great writers! I read it every day!


It’s a lovely app; Ijust wish I could comment on articles through the app.

App doesn’t read articles out loud

I thought this app would let me listen to articles, but it doesn’t. I have to go to the website on the browser for that, which is a little annoying.

More than newsworthy

To really get great and trusted opinions of the news

Not very accurate

Far right propaganda.

Love their podcasts. Cooke and the Great Books are why I subscribe

National review is a great publication, I recently subscribed because of the Great Books podcast. Also Charles CW Cook and bookmongers. Keep up the great work.

Love it

Very important conservative issues and points can be found

Great content but why do I have to log in everyday when I have NR Plus?

Appreciate the traditional conservative writing, but having to log in repeatedly is really annoying - especially when I pay for NR Plus!

Top Dog

I’m not picky about what I read, but I’m also not the type to leave reviews. National Review simply produces the best content. I stopped caring about my New York Times and Wall Street Journal subscriptions after downloading this app.

Good Republicans

NR reflects mostly good Republican principles, presented intelligently , even when you disagree with them

Thoughtful Writing

Simple ideas expertly analyzed. Economy of words afforded by not only skilled authors but experienced thinkers. NR provides a salve to the burn created by modern media.

Ads even for subscribers

I paid for an NRPLUS subscription, yet the app shows me ads for NRPLUS subscriptions every couple of paragraphs as well as a persistent ad for the same at the bottom of the screen on every article. All I can do is laugh, and uninstall.


This is a great app with solid content for those who consume political news. Would definitely recommend to a friend.

Great content, annoying ads

Content is great. Only if there is an option to get rid of the ads!

Can’t say enough about NR!

Have been a devotee’ of NR since March, 1972….remember the day vividly. It has traveled the paths our forbears of Western Civilization have hewn and continues to be a forester in the post-modern jungle of irrationality! I don’t always agree with it’s cast of iconoclasts, but Bill Buckley know was part of the fun!! Keep on keepin’ on NR!!!

My favorite opinion journal

National review has some of the best political thinkers and writers in the country. I could read it all day.


National Review is the best!

Have been a member for three years and still struggle with the paywall

How many times do I have to sign in before I cancel my subscription? I am constantly not being recognized for my email and/or password. I have three devices I use to read NR. They either have different passwords or do not match. Please give me the easiest way to read on line. I have no trouble with other subscriptions. Beth Coon.

Did I subscribe to Fox News

The bitter vitriol gushing from the article about Kevin Costner’s T-shirt was way too similar to a Tucker Carlson foaming-at-the-mouth rant than to the National Review I used to value. You need to start respecting people who place what they believe to be right over their own careers (there are still a few left) - and I’m not talking about Costner, but Liz Chaney.

Where is Listen Now?

Go to the National Review website with a browser, and you can listen to articles as well as read them. I use that excellent feature daily while commuting, cooking, and working around the house. Why isn’t that feature offered in this app?


Now more than ever National Review defines contemporary “must read” territory, not just for politics, but also for economics and culture. Find a variety of views, disagreements, but always modeling a rational fact-based search for consensus. How else are we to regain a fundamental unity and love of country without which we remain “a house divided?”

The Best of the Best

Scholarly articles based on common sense.


After far too long and far too many problems in its previous iterations, this app finally works flawlessly.

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